#Dan Se imagines
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asofterepilogue · 6 months ago
Qu’est ce que vous trouvez à melechon ? Et qu’est ce que vous pouvez critiquer chez lui ? (Ce n’est pas une critique, c’est juste que je suis jeune et que je ne connais pas bien son parcours) qu’est-ce qui fait de lui un grand homme politique ? Merciii
C'est difficile de décrire ce que je pense de Mélenchon sans parler aussi de la dimension émotions plus personnelle 😅 Est-ce que tu étais assez grande en 2012 pour suivre la campagne ?
J'avais 17 ans, mes parents avaient voté Arlette Laguiller toute ma vie sans jamais militer et sans vraiment y croire, ma seule éducation politique c'était mon expérience personnelle de fille d'immigré pauvre et les discussions très générales de ma famille. Quand on a allumé la télé ce printemps là et qu'on a écouté Mélenchon parler avec autant de conviction de ce que pourraient être nos vies, ça a été une révélation. Il y avait quelqu'un, quelqu'un qui était même parfois pris au sérieux, qui dénonçait ce que je haïssais et proposait de le changer. Qui le disait avec passion, sans faire les simagrées du PS, sans refuser de prendre position, en argumentant rigoureusement, parfois avec des références à des livres que je pouvais lire, souvent sans insulter l'intelligence de son public, en faisant des liens que d'autres avaient sans doute fait avant mais jamais là où je pouvais les entendre. J'avais toujours connu la gauche faiblarde, traîtresse, dont on ne pouvait attendre qu'un sursis. Pour moi c'était vote "utile" pour le PS et affiliés, ou vote complètement inutile mais cohérent pour l'extrême-gauche, sans autre possibilité, sans espoir. Et là il y avait autre chose. C'est pas par conviction que l'autre flanby a balbutié son fameux "mon véritable adversaire, c'est la finance" - c'est parce que l'aile gauche de la gauche lui soufflait dans le cou. J'ai entrevu autre chose pour la première fois, et un autre chose qui semblait même assez directement atteignable. J'ai imprimé des tracts en douce avec l'imprimante familiale et séché des cours pour les distribuer - gros acte de rébellion pour moi à l'époque. J'étais sûre que ça allait arriver, en 2012 ou la fois d'après, ça ne pouvait qu'arriver.
Je ne vais pas faire semblant que tout ça n'influence pas mon opinion de Mélenchon. Évidemment que ce souvenir m'encourage toujours à être un peu plus indulgente.
Mais je crois aussi sincèrement que le projet qu'il défend est un projet qui nous rapprocherait d'un monde plus juste.
Impossible de séparer Mélenchon du LFI, alors parlons de ça. Je ne vais pas refaire le programme, mais c'est le seul qui propose une alternative avec un plan d'action concret et plus ou moins immédiat. Et j'ai peut-être tort mais, si LFI ne propose pas en soi de sortir du capitalisme, j'ai toujours pensé que sortir du capitalisme serait plus facile avec le modèle que propose LFI qu'avec le modèle actuel. J'ai parfois même encore la naïveté de penser que c'est le but final, juste à horizon très lointain.
Toutes les critiques que je pourrais faire sur Mélenchon ou LFI, je peux les faire sur la plupart des autres personnalités et partis politiques.
Je trouve leur ligne sur les droits des femmes très faible (mon plus gros problème ; malheureusement pas plus faible qu'ailleurs), j'aimerais qu'ils se battent ouvertement pour la mise à mort du capitalisme (comme je le disais, certaines de leurs positions me laissent penser qu'ils n'y sont pas opposés, mais si c'est le cas il faut être plus clair, et si ce n'est pas le cas c'est une déception ; mais là encore, à moins de regarder vers l'extrême-gauche, ils remettent plus en cause le système capitaliste que les autres partis), et je pense qu'ils passent un peu trop de temps sur certains sujets qui n'ont pas lieu d'être ou qui n'aident pas sur un plan purement stratégique (mais c'est aussi le climat actuel qui veut ça).
En ce qui concerne Mélenchon lui-même, il s'emporte parfois trop. C'est la principale critique qu'on peut lui faire, et qui lui est faite d'ailleurs à longueur de journée. Mais est-ce que c'est le plus important ? Lors de ses interventions, il est la plupart du temps posé malgré les interruptions intempestives et la mauvaise foi chronique de ses interlocuteurs. N'importe qui finirait par s'énerver !
Quant à ses "phrases polémiques", que dire ? On lui a récemment reproché d'avoir dit que l'antisémitisme est résiduel en France. Sans rentrer dans le commentaire de texte, les mots qu'il a employés exactement sont "l'antisémitisme reste résiduel". "Reste" ; or il n'a jamais, à ma connaissance, nié l'Holocauste, donc le sens le plus probable de "résiduel" ici est bien "qui persiste de quelque chose en dépit de tentatives faites pour l'éliminer". Étant donné l'autre sens du mot et la malhonnêteté ambiante, il aurait dû choisir un autre mot, mais de là à utiliser cette phrase comme preuve d'un antisémitisme débridé... On sait tous de toute façon que le problème ici ce n'est pas un quelconque antisémitisme à gauche, mais le refus de LFI de soutenir à 100% le génocide qu'Israël mène contre les Palestiniens.
La vérité c'est que même les sorties les plus stupides de Mélenchon passeraient inaperçues dans la bouche d'une autre personnalité politique. Le problème ce n'est pas vraiment ce qu'il dit, ou comment il le dit, mais c'est qu'il est le chef de file du parti qui a le plus de chances d'ébranler la dictature de la bourgeoisie en France. S'il se retirait, la prochaine tête de liste serait accueillie exactement de la même manière.
Ni LFI ni Mélenchon lui-même ne sont parfaits, mais si l'on admet qu'ils sont généralement de bonne foi, pourquoi ne pas essayer de les pousser à mieux au lieu de tout condamner ? Ils ont déjà changé d'avis sur certains sujets, ils peuvent le faire encore. Il y a des différences entre le monde qu'ils dessinent et celui que je désire, mais ils ne sont pas si incompatibles qu'il faille tout balayer.
Bref, je n'aime pas trop parler de "grand homme politique" pour plein de raisons (ça a aucun sens, on y met tout et rien, etc.), mais on peut lui reconnaître qu'il n'a pas vacillé malgré un acharnement politique et médiatique de plus en plus intolérable, qu'il a redonné de l'espoir à une grande partie des électeurs de gauche qui ne croyaient plus (2012, j'étais loin d'être la seule, et après la catastrophe Hollande encore plus), et qu'il est vraiment très bon orateur.
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
Je pensais à un truc avec Lycaeon le demi-lézard, ce serait tellement triste qu'il soit mort justement parce qu'il avait des oreilles pointues, mais ça expliquerait pourquoi Rhea délaisse totalement Adrestia après la guerre
Oh -
C'est marrant parce que je lisais de la merde ce week-end - une fanfic après m'être maté la version longue du seigneur des anneaux - où grosso merdo Eldarion décide de ne plus parler/fréquenter son grandpapi parce qu'il a des oreilles pointues et que les oreilles pointues sont parties de la terre du milieu donc grandpapi doit plus avoir d'influence, pas même passer du temps avec ce qui lui reste de famille et leur apprendre des chansons où je ne sais quoi, imagine le pauvre Eldarion il revient de sa visite chez grandpapi et il se comporte comme un oreilles pointues!
(et c'est rigolo parce que je suis sûre que dans les commentaires pour dire "ouais c'est génial" j'ai reconnu un dedelstan lol)
Enfin bref -
Ca fait peut-être un peu trop cliché sur les bords - mais après une guerre menée par des mecs en mode "tolérance 0" faire en sorte que la force principale en Fodlan qui les a dégommés soit justement, menée par un hybride (oui oui la coexistence entre deux espèces c'est possible) ce serait cool - mais justement, le twist c'est que l'hybride en mode "espoir d'un monde meilleur" se fasse descendre, ça pourrait vraiment être un coup au moral qui ferait descendre le héros aux enfers -
Ou alors faire plonger Seiros, qui a plein d'espoir pour l'avenir de Fodlan et qui pense que tout pourra aller mieux après la guerre, dans le désespoir et la croyance que seule sa mère, la déesse peut remettre de l'ordre dans ce monde.
Et du coup, Luca qui se fait buter pour des raisons aussi connes que la fic dont je parlais - ça pourrait être la goutte d'eau.
Après, le souci c'est le jeu (et même FEH dans son FB pourri) veut absolument nous faire croire que Rhea désespère toute seule comme une grande parce que Sothis n'est plus là...
Mais mis à part le pandering tout pourri pour soulager les oranges du joueur (gna gna gna toute seule sans toi uwu) j'y crois moyen. Par contre, une Rhea au fond du trou après Zanado, qui se remet à avoir espoir et croire en l'avenir pendant la guerre, pour repartir au fond du trou (voire en creuser un plus profond) après la guerre, alors que tout était censé repartir sur de bons rails...
Avec la double lose que ptet elle pensait que Sothis reviendrait toute seule avec l'épée du créateur, et qu'elle pourrait voir que Fodlan est enfin un endroit où les lézards et les humains vivent tranquillement ensemble, mais boulette, Luca se fait buter et Sothis ne revient pas, ça c'est du désespoir plus "gros" qu'après Zanado qui pourrait justifier le pourquoi du comment elle hyper focus sur Sothis et pense que Sothis peut tout gérer ; Rhea a essayé de gérer avec ses alliés et s'est loupée.
-> c'est sûr que le jeu ne dira jamais que le but de Sothis c'est que les lézards et humains (même agarthens) vivent tranquillou, parce que bon, Dedel met son veto et on peut pas s'opposer à Dedel - mais avec le petit peu de Nopes où Sothis est émerveillée en voyant Flayn (pour des raisons qui ne seront jamais expliquées) c'est pas trop tiré par les cheveux de penser que Sothis voulait dès le départ bien s'entendre avec les humains - ce que ses enfants font - mais que Thales et compagnie avaient d'autres plans.
Et puis ça jouerait encore plus dans le parallèle avec Sephiran/Lehran, là où Sephiran perd pieds et veut détruire le monde (ou juste ses habitants) Rhea garde encore un peu "foi" en Fodlan et veut que Sothis prenne la relève -
Tout en recommençant, petit à petit, à s'attacher à Fodlan et ses habitants encore une fois, refonder une famille avec Citrus et tout, même ne plus utiliser sa teinture blonde...
Et puis Dedel arrive avec ses gros sabots lol
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itoshikinozomu · 1 year ago
Tfw quand ton ex belle mère gagne un concours de plotte (duchesse du carnaval en 71), ça vire mal, pis faut qu'à parte en rampage pour détruire la vie de plus de gens possibles parce-que. Juste. Parce-que.
#c'est pour ça je leak pas de nom parce-que techniquement tout a chier par sa faute#comme presque tout y est passé comme le niveau de provocation était phénoménal#le niveau de manipulation sur tout son entourage a un niveau qu'aucun de ses enfants est réellement autonome et ce dans trentaine avancée#sti d'échec...imagine se prendre pour une autre à ce niveau#comme y'a rien qui pardonne toute sa merde#comme a mit toute la pression possible pour toute faire saboter pis yep a tout les niveaux#comme j'sais pas ce qu'elle a crissé dans tête à ses enfants mais si y passent pour des creeps c'est carrément un problème fondamental dans#leur éducation#comme aucun de ses trois enfants semble avoir d'ambition outre la totale complacence face à leur sort#c'est tellement dégueulasse#comme peu importe ce qui s'est passé c'est pas comme si elle avait pas choisit d'aller sur le stage comme si ça s'est mal passé après#c'est plate mais c'est les conséquences#c'est pas parce-que ta vie va mal qui faut que t'impose autant de controle sur comment les autres vivent leur vie#surtout que la sienne à la vie attrocement comme c'est juste vautrer son surplus de cash dans face du monde pis caller ça de la charité#comme ça faisait juste m'écoeurer comme rendu là j'comprend pas pourquoi on juge le monde qui paient pour du cul#si n'importe-quel riche pensent qui peuvent littéralement acheter une personne de manière permanente comme un animal domestique#pis honnêtement les cossins de riches souvent c'est fucking ordinaire ben sincèrement comme y'a pas tant de justification#c'est souvent juste du junk ben drabe pis j'm'en calisse...
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unadulteratedsoulsweets · 9 months ago
My Beloved
Imagine dis…
You know, I like misunderstandings…
I saw a bunch of prompts that Danny is the mother of Ellie and Dan who is angry and will destroy the world in the future.
I also saw a bunch of prompts of Danny and Phantom separating themselves and acting like two individual beings but having to be in proximity or else there would be consequences.
But I didn’t see anything about combining the two things…
Daniel “Danny” Fenton knew that he had many powers, that kept on growing and appearing at the heat of the moment. He would sometimes forget how many powers he had due to his never-ending list. He has powers that he likes to use often, like levitation, flight, intangibility, his ghostly wail, and many more… But even he has a favorite, his duplication power.
Unlike Vlad who can create multiple clones of himself to do his bidding, he can only create one.
Now don’t go on and underestimate him just because he can only create one despite Vlad making multiple and who is also a halfa.
His clone is unique, when he first discovered this power of his he was all alone in the house full of guns to kill him when a passing thought passed his mind. Wes was getting on his nerves with how he adamantly tried to prove that he was Phantom. He knew the consequences when the people knew the truth, especially his parents, every time he closed his eyes it always showed him and his parents at the other end of the dissecting table.
He kept on saving them, poor animal ghosts who had just stumbled through the portal. He kept on stuffing his face with his pillows just to block out the screams.
He had just blinked, one moment he was all alone and all of a sudden another appeared in front of him.
He was startled at the notion while the clone looked at him with interest.
The clone was not human-HIM per se, but it was the ghostly-HIM aka Phantom but with more ghostly attributes.
Snow white hair that seems to sway, taller by a few feet, pointed ears, fanged teeth, skin so blue, and white freckles that seem to give off a faint glow.
He tried going ghost but was unable to do so, what he can do is a weaker version of flight, intangibility, and invisibility. While Phantom got most if not all of his powers whenever he went ghost.
At first, he was ecstatic with this new power of his not only he can throw people off who are looking too deeply into Phantom’s identity and put an end to Wes’s chatter but with this new power of his he can finally have some sort of normalcy.
But after a few minutes, he began to feel fatigued and nauseous, Phantom slowly moved towards Danny and merged himself with his human half causing a faint white glow all over his body that he got used to whenever he was going ghost.
It was a few minutes, Danny thought to himself, but it was enough to not only create a separation between the kid who always hides in the bathroom or disappears whenever there is a ghost attack and a ghost kid who looks the same age as he and only appears whenever he disappears.
But it was enough.
Everything was great, as Phantom was able to deal with the ghosts that constantly invaded his hometown but also, he is slowly bringing his grades up from where it was before the accident. He also created an alibi for himself so people will know that both Phantom and Danny and two separate people.
Both sides were able to go on separated from each other the more time they spent separated
After a few days, something also began to change.
Phantom would sometimes make a joke or a quip about death or even puns that made Danny laugh. Phantom would be more serious whenever they got too far from each other, small things that made both Danny and Phantom different from one another from an outside perspective.
Both made a mental connection to each other.
Not like romantically, but more of a deep platonic love for each other.
Devotion to each of their other halves. So deep that one might double-take whenever they saw the two.
Danny loves his friends and family but even they cannot understand him ever since the day of the accident. Jazz blessed his sister’s soul, who read every book in every existence known to man and tried to help him. But the thing is, those books are for humans, not ghosts, and especially not for someone like him.
He died and came back to life knowing instinctively that something was wrong with him. He stands in between life and death. He knew he died and felt every bolt of electricity that had killed him. He who had to sit still at the dinner table listening to their parents who were supposed to love them, listened in great detail to what they would do to Phantom when they had caught him. 
But Phantom, Phantom instinctively knew how he felt and heard his thoughts. When rough days came to Danny, Phantom quietly appeared behind him and offered his silent support.
Both needed each other to live, without the other one cannot survive on their own.
Phantom, when got too far and separated from his human for far too long got reckless, angry, cold, merciless, and ruthless. Nocturn got the burnt of it despite knowing that Phantom held back.
And Danny?
Got too emotional, and detached, and has that far-away look on his face. He would space out an entire war or destruction surrounding and he still would not notice.
Both are each other’s anchor and rock. And when both become one and become Phantom together then they will be unstoppable.
When Danny became the Ghost King it was clear they needed to separate often due to the amount of paperwork that was left pilling when Pariah Dark was in charge.
It became domestic, Danny thought as he paused for a bit when he was trying to write a book report from the Lord of the Rings courtesy of Mr. Lancer. Add the latest guests in his room he thought as he took a look at the sleeping and cuddled up Dan and Ellie who are now freshly de-aged due to some circumstances.
When Danny tried to explain to the two halves the reason why he and Phantom seemed to separate or why he was using this power of his almost every day.
Dan and Ellie seem the only two who didn’t feel weird at his new predicament. Both de-aged ghosts after a sudden bad melting episode and the start of someone’s redemption arc called human Danny is their mom while Phantom is their dad.
Danny at first surprised at the title given by the two but asked playfully to the twins why is he the mom. Phantom who was trying to cuddle the two de-aged ghosts whom he saw as his children at this point and his human counterpart mumbled about whether was it the time when he went and juggled flaming diapers or mastered the art of the 'mom stare' that could freeze a room?
Danny who is still in a bad mood from Dash’s bullying earlier snarked back at Phantom on how he got the dad title. Did he accidentally perfect the art of 'dad dancing' during ghostly gatherings? or accidentally stumble into a dad joke competition?
Sam, often would joke that if she didn’t know better, she would think the two would be lovers which would be found in Paulina’s A03 account and history.
Now that spread like wildfire, it spread faster than Wes could say Danny is Phantom. Now both GIW and his parents are out to get him for two different reasons… One Phantom mind controlled their precious son and now locked up Danny for his “own good” and two he was called a so-called “traitor” to his race as he fell in love with a creature who was not even sentient.
As things slowly went out of hand, Danny had to physically drag Phantom, who had been clawing and gripping to Danny like a lifetime ever since Danny told him to stay at the Infinite Realms for their safety, to a portal with the two children who have their eyes puffed red as they say their farewells to each other.
The JL is now confused, they kept seeing the same teen on the loose that appeared in various cities such as Metropolis, Central, Star City, and many more, with various government agents tailing him and trying to capture him.
At first, they thought it was another of Walker’s programs, in which they kidnap various kids who have a powerful meta ability to be part of a group that directly answers to the government.
But when it was revealed that he is another son of Bruce Wayne, it became personal.
Could it be another ploy to gain the Wayne enterprise through a much older and miniature appearance of Bruce Wayne, is it another ploy to gain Bruce Wayne’s wealth and money… They might never know.
Batman aka Bruce Wayne publicly announced that he had found another son who was rummaging in the trash of Gotham City, this way those mysterious agents could not publicly go after him as Danny had been publicly broadcasted and the manor is equipped with the latest security known to man.
Danny is very skittish the Batfam concluded, as if every move and twitch they made is something Danny should be wary of. Danny was too distracted to be sad, and have little to no energy to even join Dick and the rest of his siblings to bond over something.
However, that didn’t stop them from forming some sort of familial bond with Danny despite him being too guarded and too wary to get close to the family.
However, it all changed on a random day, as the entire noticed his change of mood. No longer the wariness, anxiety, and nervousness they encountered daily. Each of them began asking around within themselves if they were the one who made a change to Danny, even Alfred didn’t know who or what made him turn a 180.
Of course, when they tried to ask COUGH to interrogate COUGH Danny, he just kept quiet and smiled shyly.
Night comes and all the Bats are gathered at the cave to discuss what made Danny to be in a good mood before their patrol.
As they were just about to leave for their shift when Oracle notified them Danny leaving the manor.
Of course, all of them immediately followed him and followed him to a tall abandoned building with Danny sitting giddily on top of the said building. Of course, some of them have some dark thoughts about Danny sitting on top of a warehouse and seeming near the edge. One of the Bat broods is ready to interfere if Danny even makes any signs.
But all thoughts were thrown out as a crack seemed to tear through reality appeared behind Danny, Danny on the other hand looked ecstatic. As the tear/ crack opened up there they saw an underworldly being donned with a crown that is covered in various jewels, an outfit and cape fit for an emperor, and eyes that reminded them of the Lazarus pits.
Just as the moment they tried to calm their hearts down, Danny flung himself towards the unknown being and cried out beloved, the said being caught Danny and twirled him around.
Both are in their little world as they both keep laughing and hugging each other.
The Bat family who are still in the shadows kept their eyes on the two as they wanted to get Danny away from someone that made their instincts go haywire. Batman and Robin are both especially to grab Danny away from that thing.
Both the being and Danny finally settled down and began chatting to each other with little to no distance between the two. The being then summoned a basket that was full of unique and exotic food and then shared it with their new brother.
Then Danny suddenly asked about the kids, What kids!!! EVERYONE thought when suddenly two black blurs went and tackled Danny down, knocking the air out of him.
As the kids stopped hugging Danny, they all held their breaths, they looked like the perfect copy of Danny. Black hair and blue eyes, both kids exclaimed Danny as their mom while they pouted at the being and called him dad about hoarding their mom.
The reunited “family” began chatting about how they were at each other, more on the beings asking how Danny is especially doing.
Danny chatted about how the Waynes are too good for him and how he informed Batman since the Bats have a very close relationship with the Waynes. When one of the kids why mom needs to talk to Batman, Danny just casually reveals a bombshell on the Anti-Ecto laws, GIW, The Infinite realms...etc. So that both mom and dad could get together again, as mom aka Danny is trying everything to stop the war from the living world while their dad tries to stop the war from the Realms.
As they were chatting and catching up to one another, Danny looked at his wristwatch and told the kids that he had to get going or else the Waynes might notice that he snuck out. Both kids immediately cried and gripped Danny while the other being also known as dad didn’t even try to pry the kids off from Danny as he too wanted to stay with the human.
Of course, Danny gently pried off the three hands that were gripping and immediately one of the kids threw a tantrum at how Danny was not safe and might get him killed if he stayed there and Danny should just go with them. Of course, Danny shook his head and told the kid that Mommy was doing everything he could to protect both of them also he might not want to admit it in front of the Wayne but he did grow on them, like a fungus he can’t remove.
And so, the trio left the building after one last look and hug from Danny, Danny immediately lost the small life and cheerfulness that he had when he was meeting them and silently went back to the manor.
This made the Bat clan scramble to fix everything, all the while competing for the favorite uncle and aunt title while both Bruce and Alfred engage in their silent war for the grandpa title, when they showed their findings to the League both Booster Gold and the Flask stood up white as paper.
They claimed at the picture of Danny, that he may be the one who destroyed the future, but looked a little confused as some traits that they remembered were not on Danny which made them speculate that maybe he grew into. But when the two-time travelers explained in great detail his appearance, it matched the appearance of their nephew.
Is this the reason why Dan turned evil, humans have killed his family leaving him both angry and devastated that he let the world know of his pain?
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
PPS: As you can see, I posted a bit early, I got a bunch of people to do and things to see. So uhh, bye-bye!
PPPS: This one got too long for my liking...
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requiemforthepoets · 6 months ago
the underdog 𖦹 CL16
PAIRINGS: charles leclerc x fencer!leclerc!reader , f1 grid x fencer!leclerc!reader
SUMMARY: despite being a talented fencer, you were still considered as an underdog, but you are here to prove everyone wrong.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: it’s my first time doing something like this, and i apologize on my dry humor…but i hope you still enjoy this though.
REMINDER: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect to the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
FACE CLAIM: maxine esteban and others on pinterest, but mostly maxine esteban.
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl and 578,982 others
ynleclerc 2022-2023 was one hell of a ride.
This past year has been a never ending whirlwind of challenges and triumphs. From the devastating ACL tear and the subsequent surgery that threatened my fencing career to the grueling recovery process that tested my limits, it has been a journey of resilience, determination, and unwavering support. After six months of rehabilitation, I am beyond thrilled to share that I have received medical clearance to return to competitive sports.
However, that’s not all. I have been keeping this secret for a while now, one that I have cherished and guarded closely, even from my family. Today, I am proud to announce that I am switching my fencing nationality from Italy to Monaco. This decision has been a deeply personal and emotional one, driven by my love to Monaco, my home, and the desire to represent Monaco on the global stage.
I owe a debt of gratitude to my former team for shaping me into the athlete I am today. Now, as I embark on this new chapter representing Monaco, I carry with me the lessons and memories that have defined my journey so far.
Je suis heureux (se) de vous annoncer mon changement de nationalité sportive, passant de l'Italie à Monaco. C'est une décision qui me remplit de fierté et d'un profond sentiment d'appartenance. Merci à tous ceux qui ont rendu cela possible et qui continuent à me soutenir dans cette nouvelle aventure 🙌🏻
I am thrilled for what lies ahead and am setting my sights on qualifying for Paris 2024. Together, let's write the next chapter of this incredible journey. Merci infiniment. 🇲🇨🤺❤️
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pascale.leclerc.355 C'est une nouvelle très excitante, mon chéri ! Je suis impatiente de te voir aux Jeux Olympiques représentant Monaco! ❤️🇲🇨 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc Merci maman pour ton soutien sans fin!! Je t'aime tellement!! 😭❤️
username2 OMG imagine if y/n won a medal in the Paris 2024, she’ll be the first one to win a medal for Monaco in the olympics!! 😭❤️
username3 charles winning the monaco gp and y/n winning the olympics 2024, imagine the POWER. prince and princess of Monaco 👏🏻
username4 MANIFESTING PARIS 2024!! 🗣️
carlossainz55 Vamos, y/n!! ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
scuderiaferrari Congratulations to our favorite Leclerc!! ❤️❤️❤️ ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
charles_leclerc I can’t believe that I’ll find out this amazing news online?! Félicitations à notre petite sœur! Je sais que tu vas faire des merveilles, tu es une formidable escrimeuse. Il n'y a aucun doute que tu te qualifieras pour Paris 2024! Nous t'aimons tellement ❤️ ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc tbf, i never told a single soul abt this, and it was really hard keeping it from you guys!!! But thank you so much, charlieee 🥺❤️ ♥︎ liked by charles_leclerc
pierregasly Secure that gold medal! ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
username5 i’m a new fan of f1 and i just found out that charles has a younger sister?!
username6 yes! she’s the youngest of the leclercs and she’s a fencer!! there’s a thread about her on the x app!!!
haterusername1 she’s gonna be losing left and right. italy is at the top of the game when it comes to fencing, this transfer is literally a bad move for her lmao can’t wait to see her lose lol
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liked by pascale.leclerc.355, arthur_leclerc, charles_leclerc and 465,323 others
ynleclerc new season, same dream. 🤺🇲🇨 let’s go! ❤️🔥
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pascale.leclerc.355 Je suis tellement excitée, mon cher! Faisons honneur à nous-mêmes et à Monaco! 🇲🇨💕 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc Merci maman, je t'aime!! ❤️
landonorris PARIS 2024 HERE WE COME!! ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc hold your horses there, norris. i have yet to win the championships 😂
landonorris already claiming and manifesting it
username9 if she qualifies for Paris 2024, i’m shaving my eyebrows ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
username9 QUEEN I- 😭😭😭
haterusername2 she’ll be demolished by the other fencing team, knowing that the monaco’s fencing team are weak. haven’t even won any medals in the olympics lol, as if she’ll be able to qualify in the Paris 2024 🤥🫠
haterusername3 totally agree! not all these people hyping her up just bc she is some famous person’s sister. tbh, her fencing is literally average.
username10 omfg shut up you boomers. bet a hundred bucks that you cant’t even do what she does LMFAO speaking as if you have fenced in your whole life.
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, landonorris and 687,943 others
tagged: charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and scuderiaferrari
ynusername supporting my fav ferrari bros charles_leclerc & carlossainz55 before heading off to Cairo. Forza Ferrari! ❤️
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scuderiaferrari it was such an honor to be graced by your presence, our favorite ferrari girl! ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc I had a very amazing time. thank you, ferrari! ❤️
landonorris WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU’LL BE ATTENDING THE GP 😭 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
oscarpiastri I thought you’re team papaya 😔 heart been broke too many times 💔 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc i’m so sorry my nephew 😔💔
oscarpiastri we’re the same age 😐
ynleclerc but you’re my bro’s child 😔 btw, say hi to lily for me!! miss hanging out with her.
oscarpiastri will do 👍🏻 lilyzneimer y/n says hi and told me that she missed hanging out with you
username11 OSCAR WTF 😭😭😭
mclaren pls be in our garage next time 😔💔 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
scuderiaferrari back off sis, she’s ours ✋🏻😐
username12 not ferrari and mclaren fighting for her in the comsec 😭
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liked by ynleclerc, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, and 987,745 others
tagged: ynleclerc, paris2024, olympics
fencing_fie On her way to Paris 2024, ynleclerc is inspiring the next generation in 🇲🇨
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, lilyzneimer, and 1,673,992 others
ynusername I can’t stop crying. We did it kids.
Qualifying for the Paris 2024 Olympics is another check in my list, and representing Monaco makes it even more special. This journey has been long. Series of heartbreaks and tears, some milestones…but whatever happens, I am happy and thankful to be where I am right now and meet such wonderful people around the world.
To my family. Maman, Lorenzo, Charles, and Arthur, thank you for never giving up on me and my dreams. For sticking with me through thick and thin, especially during the challenging times after my ACL tear and surgery, I know that I was unbearable that that time, crying 24/7 because I kept on thinking that it might be the end of my career, but your love and encouragement has been my strength. To my medical team, thank you for pushing me in getting back on my feet and giving me chance to chase my dreams once again.
Le plus beau des rêves se réalise aujourd’hui. Merci à tous pour votre soutien. Je suis prêt pour ce nouveau chapitre!
Love, y/n 🤍
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ynleclerc thank you, admin 🥺❤️
lilymhe i know that i might be beheaded by my own country, BUT FUCK IT LETS GO MONACO!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
username13 OMF LILY 😭😭😭
mclaren WAY TO GO Y/N!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
username10 how are we feeling today? better prepare your eyebrow username9
username9 already prepared and accepted that i’ll be shaving my eyebrows ✊🏻
ynleclerc tag me when you do it…JK pls don’t!! i don’t want your mom to be angry at me 😭
landonorris SEATED. READY. FRONT ROW. ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
username15 MOTHER.
francisca.cgomes YESSSS GIRL YOU GOOOOOOOOOO 🙌🏻🔥💪🏻 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
alexandrasaintmleux congratulations!!! we are all behind you!! 🇲🇨 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
lilyzneimer oscar and i are ready, we will be there!!! ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
arthur_leclerc YEEEEEEEES congratulations, petite soeur! celebration is in order 😁🥳🤩 ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
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liked by maxverstappen1, lewishamilton, georgerussell63, and 2,473,973 others
tagged: ynleclerc
charles_leclerc I can’t believe it, our petite soeur just qualified at Paris 2024!
Remember when you first picked up a fencing foil, nearly took out the living room lamp and maman getting angry 😂 all of us knew that you are destined for greatness right then and there (or at least destined to break a lot of household items). Fast forward to today, screaming your heart out in victory, making us all incredibly proud!
I’m so excited to see you compete in Paris 2024. I know you’ll do great. Congratulations, superstar! You made us all proud. Let’s get ready for Paris!
view all 68,938 comments
ynleclerc YOURE MAKING ME CRY AGAIN 😭 thank you, charlie. love you!!! 🥹🫶🏻 ♥︎ liked by charles_leclerc
lewishamilton Congratulations, ynleclerc! I know you’ll do everyone and Monaco proud! 💪🏻❤️ ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
ynleclerc thank you so much, sir lewis!
georgerussell63 Congratulations! Carmen and I will be there in support! ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
pierregasly gold medal secured in the bag! ♥︎ liked by ynleclerc
username17 charles and y/n making monaco proud!! 😭❤️
username18 the moment y/n wins the olympics, prepare to be sick of me. PREPARE TO BE SICK OF ME!!!!!
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blue-eyed-beastie · 2 months ago
A Closer Look at Belle's Book: Part II
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In Part I, I went into some detail about the illustration inside Belle's book, but now I want to turn the page, so to speak.
Thanks to the magic of 4K, I was able to zoom in on some details in Beauty and the Beast that I had never noticed before, and this time I wanted to see what story Belle was reading. I've seen theories that it was either foreshadowing Aladdin or referencing Sleeping Beauty, and I myself noticed that it bears some artistic resemblance to Snow White... but it turns out that it has nothing to do with Disney, or its fairy tales.
It's something else entirely, and it's in French!
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After zooming in and studying each frame, I managed to make out the following text:
une languissante sirene! Enfin, il sera bientôt heureux, si c'est là ce qui doit causer son bonheur. Je sais que je suis agréable à regarder, puisque j'y ai du plaisir moi-même, et de ce plaisir je ne priverai pas mon mari, au contraire. Je ne sais si je l'aimerai, je l'espère; mais je veux qu'il m'aime lui, et je ferai pour lui plaire tout ce qui lui plaira. Ah! chère Adélaïde, je suis pleine de rêves absurdes et de pensées contradictoires! Je songe à des choses qui me semblent à la fois douces et vilaines, et j'ai des imaginations qui me font rougir en même temps que pleurer! Au moins, je ne m'ennuie pas. Je vis plus en une heure de ces journées que l'an passé je ne vécus en toute l'année. Chaque heure me renouvelle, me grandit et m'épanouit. Je me semble un rosier qui fleur rirait à vue d’œil, je suis fraîche et parfumée; je suis légère et forte: j'attends le bonheur. Paul est plus beau que je ne l'avais encore jamais tu. Il est pâle avec de grands yeux pleins de fièvre et d'amour. Je le trouve sublime quand il s'agenouille près de moi pour me regarder comme en prière. J'ai envie de le prière aussi, parfois, et de coucher ma joue sur ses genoux, mais quand j'ai cette envie-la, je me fâché contre moi-meme et je boude Paul.
Which, roughly translated into English, means:
a languid siren! Finally, he will soon be happy, if that is what will make him happy. I know that I am pleasant to look at, since I take pleasure in it myself, and of this pleasure I will not deprive my husband, on the contrary. I do not know if I will love him, I hope so; but I want him to love me, and I will do whatever he pleases to please him. Ah! dear Adelaide, I am full of absurd dreams and contradictory thoughts! I think of things that seem to me both sweet and ugly, and I have fantasies that make me blush and cry at the same time! At least, I am not bored. I live more in one hour of these days than I lived in the whole year last year. Each hour renews me, makes me grow and blossom. I seem to myself a rosebush that blooms laughing before my eyes, I am fresh and fragrant; I am light and strong: I await happiness. Paul is more handsome than I have ever seen him before. He is pale with big eyes full of fever and love. I find him sublime when he kneels down next to me to look at me as if in prayer. I want to pray to him too, sometimes, and to lay my cheek on his knees, but when I have this desire, I get angry with myself and I sulk at Paul.
By the way, there is one more sentence (maybe even two) at the bottom of the page that is partially obscured by Belle's shoulder and right hand. It may or may not be important to the rest of the excerpt, but for completion's sake, I'll share it here:
Il est ... maintenir un homme dans les ...
Which translates to:
He is ... to keep a man in the ...
Intriguing, isn't it? What was she trying to say?
Overall, the author appears to be an unwed woman dreaming of her future marriage to a man named Paul. Her confidante is someone named Adelaide, but I suspect she is actually writing to herself. Regardless, she is either betrothed to Paul or she longs to be, since she calls him her husband. Perhaps it is an arranged marriage? She goes on to dwell upon his handsomeness, and how she longs to be close to him, but then she gets angry at herself for feeling this way. The last line of the passage is incomplete, but my best guess is that the author is saying that Paul is not to blame for her sulking, so it is not right to keep a man in the dark, i.e. ignorant. I could be wrong, though. In any case, she is conflicted about her feelings on the matter. You could even say that her feelings are "new, and a bit alarming".
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I can see why the filmmakers chose this passage for Belle's book.
It may not be a fairy tale, but it certainly has elements from the film. There are references to beauty, roses, imagination, and eyes filled with love, and passion.
"Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because—you’ll see Here's where she meets Prince Charming But she won't discover that it's him 'til Chapter Three!"
Do the lyrics match the story hinted at on the page itself? No, but I really respect the filmmakers for going out of their way to include this kind of detail in the film. They could have taken the easy way out, by writing out something like "Once upon a time" to echo the opening narration, or used "Lorem ipsem" Latin filler, or even meaningless brush strokes just to fill the page... but they didn't. They chose something in French that Belle herself might have liked to read. And I think that's really cool.
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cvsmixnaya · 5 months ago
a lando x desi!reader marriage fic. Omgggv just imagine all the lil functions and tradition it'd be sooo cutee
Mehndi laga ke rakhna
OKAY SO. i did get a request similar to this so im just gonna combine both so i hope yall dont mind!!! the other request i got was basically this but it just mentioned that lando was telling y/n that they’ll get married like this one day and i wanted to include that cause it’s so cute🤭 also the unfortunate truth is that i haven’t been to a lot of weddings. the only wedding i remember very well was my aunt’s wedding from when 10 years ago(i was 9. fuck that’s crazy) but i did my best with this.
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Ever since Y/n took Lando to her friend’s wedding. The thought of marrying her never left his mind. All he wanted was to marry her but the way her culture does it. Growing up in India meant a lot of traditions, festivals, wedding events, etc.
When Y/n asked Lando to come with her to her friend’s wedding, he said no at first but after attending all the events, he was mesmerised. He loved every single one of them. The mehndi, the sangeet, the haldi. all of it
The day of the wedding, as both of them watched her friend marry the love of her life, he wrapped his arms around her beautiful lengha whispering
“One day, I’m gonna marry you exactly like this”
She smiled said she couldn’t wait for that day to come. And boy that day came so quickly. With the blessing of her parents, he proposed to her a month or two later and immediately got to work.
Lando basically saw a new side of his fiancée. Full of stress and making sure things were right. Slowly she started to lose her mind cause she had to come up with the guest list, find the venue for all the events and Lando was starting to see how much goes into a desi wedding.
But once all the events took place, it felt magical.
The mehndi event was fine. Y/n was basically sitting in one place for hours getting mehndi (henna) done on her hands and legs. Lando kept coming over to give her company smiling like a child the whole time.
She was wearing a simple kurta that belonged to her mom with a dupata. She saw Lando come up to her and sit next to her careful not to ruin anything
“Hello my lovely bride” He greeted her placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.
“Hi baba. Hogaya tera? (you’re done?)” She asked him and he happily showed off his palm with mehndi on it.
“All done and dried”
She smiled at his little goofy self. They enjoyed each other’s company even though she basically couldn’t move but she leaned into him resting herself as she watched the design come to life on her body.
He loved everything about this. He knew he was gonna love the coming days of this era.
The sangeet was everyone’s favourite cause they get to dance for the couple and her friends had so much planned for them. The drivers invited actually reached out to Y/n’s friends and asked them for help so they could do a dance and that’s exactly what they did.
Everyone was getting drinks, having conversations and when it was time for the performance, they gathered around the floor stage to watch the performances by friends.
Lando and Y/n were sitting at the front while the rest were standing and two of her friends entered with the song “kamariya” playing making her cheer since it was garba dance which she adored so much. The dance was so good and when it was changing to the next song, the rest of her group joined in.
The next dance had the song “kukkad” so the boys and girls were dancing together. The reason they chose this song was cause student of the year was their favourite movie during their childhood (and also because of Sidharth Malhotra).
A few performances later came the best for last. Carlos, Oscar, Max, Charles and George entered the stage making the crowd go crazy. Especially Lando since he gets to see his friends dance to the best item song ever which was “fevicol se”
They boys did great. Y/n was so proud of them she got up with Lando and went to hug them after their dance and everyone joined the floor having the time of their life.
Lando and Y/n decided to keep the haldi event small with close friends and family only. The haldi event was basically smearing tumeric/haldi on the bride and groom. It’s normally a day or two before the actual wedding and held it at her house.
Everyone put tumeric all over them. In their hair, skin, clothes. Everywhere. It was a short event but very intimate and fun. So many pictures got taken over the days and many memories were made.
The wedding
the day was finally here. The day Lando and Y/n get married. How were they feeling you ask? nervous as hell. No cold feet. No. They knew they wanted to do this. It just felt too good to be true. They couldn’t believe this was actually happening
Y/n was in the dressing room getting ready for the big day. She wore a beautiful Manish Malhotra Lenhgha and her makeup was stunning. Her mother was helping her get everything together.
“I’m so happy for you baba. Meri bacchi ki shaadi ho rahi hai (my daughter is getting married)”
She said before kissing Y/n’s cheek aggressively making her laugh.
“Love you too mumma. zyada rona matt (don’t cry too much)”
Her mother laughed but just pulled her cheek. After a while, the time came. They entered and Lando was already sitting next to the fire mesmerised by her beauty. She was already so beautiful but seeing her as bride struck something in him.
He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with this woman. As she sat down with him the words immediately left his mouth
“You look so beautiful…”
Y/n blushed. After all these years, he still managed to get her all flustered smiling like a little girl.
“Still know how to make me blush after all these years huh?”
She said teasing him.
The ceremony was beautiful. Both families were crying. Seeing their children get married was something they weren’t ready for but loved it regardless.
The wedding eneded in a few hours and it was magical. It was everything the both of them wanted. Once they headed back, they stepped into the house for the first time as husband and wife.
Lando immediately kissed his wife. Still processing that this woman was now his wife. He pulled away saying
“Welcome home wife” He said booping her nose making her tear up a little out of happiness.
“Welcome home husband” She returned immediately hugging him whispering
“I love you. I can’t wait to spend the remainder of my life with you”
He felt so happy hearing that
“I love you too. I’m so excited to spend my life with you too”
They got the life they wanted and deserved. It was the best time of their life and when all the photos came, they spent a lot of time looking at it and deciding which ones to put up on their wall.
It was a good wedding indeed.
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vivicantstudy · 1 month ago
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Random Phrases and Words in French that I like
1. Ça baigne ? – Equivalent to “How’s it going?”, stemming from “baigner” (to bathe). A casual way to ask if everything’s okay.
2. Arrête de te la péter. – Used to tell someone to stop bragging or showing off, friendly yet pointed way.
3. Tkt (T’inquiète). – “Don’t worry.”
4. Je me casse. – “I’m out of here,” often used when leaving an unpleasant situation.
5. Vachement. – Informal for “very” or “a lot,” though considered inelegant by some, it remains a widely used intensifier in casual speech.
6. Se faire des films. – Means “to fantasize” or “imagine things,” often said to someone who is overthinking or misinterpreting a situation.
7. Tarpin. – A Marseille-originated slang meaning “very” or “a lot,” now used more broadly to intensify descriptions.
8. Être dans le coaltar. – Translates literally to “being in coal tar,” used to describe feeling dazed, sleepy, or out of sorts.
9. Zapper. – A casual term for skipping something, whether it’s a part of a film, a conversation, or even a person.
10. Chiller. – Borrowed from English, it simply means “to chill” or relax.
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I didn’t make this list recently, but I feel like I’ve been letting French fall behind a bit compared to the other languages I’m interested in. Sorry about that! I haven’t had much time for my study routine, but little by little, I’ll get back on track. You’re free to correct me, but please be respectful! Thank you!
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flan-tasma · 10 months ago
Boyfriend!Gaming x Reader HC
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💖~ What the people think is done
Yo estoy dispuesta a saltar ✨
El banner para esto no salió mal, estoy feliz por ello <3333333
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Gaming es el mejor amigo que puedas tener, y si como amigo es fantástico, imagínate de novio.
Es un novio que resuelve, no importa si crees que la situación es insalvable, él encuentra la manera de hacer que funcione. ¿Tu ropa se manchó y no se quita? Él te da su chaqueta para que te cubras. ¿Te incomodan tus zapatos? Te dará los suyos. ¿Estás tan cansada como para hacer algo? Él te atenderá hasta que te recuperes. Él es un amor.
Puede ponerse muy amenazante cuando hay alguien que puede hacerte daño cerca. Puede poner esta cara de perro rabioso mientras mira feo (y tal vez saque algo de veneno) a la persona que representa una amenaza para ti.
Puede ser un perrito que te sigue y te muerde para que juegues con él, y puede ser un perro guardián que muerda y probablemente haga sangrar a alguien que te trata mal.
Es tu novio y al mismo tiempo es tu comadre con quien chismean cada que pueden. El inicio de sus citas empieza con uno de los dos tomando aire para contar el chisme mientras toman té y pasteles de té y luna.
Te pide que le ayudes a peinarse y comparten productos para el cuidado del cabello que pueden servirles.
Tienen mínimo uno o dos conjuntos que combinan, y probablemente te haya regalado una chaqueta igual a la suya.
Siento que haría chistes de sus desgracias y se reiría, pero jamás se burlaría de tus traumas a menos que tú hagas el chiste primero.
Si en algún momento se cansa de ti (siempre en broma, claro) te pone su chaqueta, sube la capucha y le habla al suanni acerca de cómo alguien está hablando mucho y cuánto quiere cerrarle la boca a besos.
Siempre coquetea contigo, no le importa si ya son pareja. Va a seguir acercándose diciendo que luces preciosa y te pregunta si ya tienes novio y por qué debería ser él.
No soporta coqueteos frente a su familia, va a explotar de la vergüenza y te meterá un puñado de arroz en la boca para que te calles.
Puntos extras si resulta que vives en la Aldea Chiaoying, no tiene pereza de viajar desde la ciudad de Liyue para ir a visitarte los fines de semana. También le gusta llevarte a la ciudad para presentarte a sus amigos y que respires un aire nuevo.
El chico es un hombre fiel, es tu novio y puede imaginar un futuro contigo, suele hacer bromas acerca de que ambos se harán viejos juntos y saldrán a pasear por el lago.
A partir de que soluciona sus problemas con su padre, tiene la costumbre de alejarte de su familia, a pesar de que cada que te encuentras con ellos te dan de comer o te tratan muy dulcemente.
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Gaming is the best friend you can have, and if he is fantastic as a friend, imagine him as a boyfriend.
He is a boyfriend who will help you, it doesn't matter if you think the situation is insurmountable, he finds a way to make it work. Did your clothes get stained and won't come off? He gives you his jacket to cover yourself. Do your shoes make you uncomfortable? He will give you his. Are you tired enough to do anything? He will take care of you until you recover. He is a sweetheart.
He can become very threatening when there is someone who can harm you nearby. May make this mad dog face while he glares (and maybe draws some venom) at the person who poses a threat to you.
It can be a little dog that follows you and bites you to make you play with it, and he can be a guard dog that bites and probably makes bleed who treats you badly.
He is your boyfriend and at the same time he is your best friend with whom you gossip whenever you can. The beginning of your dates is with one of you taking a breath to tell the gossip with tea and Fine Tea, Full Moon.
He asks you to help him comb his hair and share hair care products that can help you.
You have at least one or two outfits that match, and he probably gave you a jacket just like his.
I feel like he would make jokes about his misfortunes and laugh, but he would never make fun of your traumas unless you make the joke first.
If at some point he gets tired of you (always joking, of course) he puts his jacket on you, pulls up the hood and talks to the suanni about how someone is talking too much and how much he wants to kiss their mouth shut.
He always flirts with you, he doesn't care if you are already a couple. He will keep approaching you saying that you look beautiful and asking if you already have a boyfriend and why it should be him.
He can't stand flirting in front of his family, he's going to explode with embarrassment and shove a handful of rice into your mouth to make you shut up.
Bonus points if you live in Chiaoying Village, he's not lazy to travel from Liyue to visit you on the weekends. He also likes to take you to the city to introduce you to his friends and let you breathe a fresh air.
The boy is a faithful man, he is your boyfriend and he can imagine a future with you, he often makes jokes about the two of you getting old together and going for a walk by the lake.
After he solves his problems with his father, he has the habit of distancing you from his family, even though every time you meet them they feed you or treat you very sweetly.
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nothingenoughao3 · 7 months ago
Herbert West Was Dead To Begin With (or, why Danbert was always doomed by the original narrative, pt. 1)
Thanks to this post by @gabelish, my brain went in about twenty directions. I have to talk about this or I'm going to end up chewing on my walls, and that's bad for my teeth.
Reading the script of BRIDE, it's... messy. Disorganized. You can tell they pounded this thing out in a month and didn't really have time to revise or edit. What's interesting is seeing the vague shape of a theme despite the rush-job--to get cheeky, it's a bunch of disparate parts that don't quite move in sync. A Bride of an idea that almost, but never quite does, manifest. Especially considering one or two lines that were cut which, it turns out, were integral to understanding that theme.
Let's go over it all, shall we?
Francesca's immediate appeal to Dan feels like a weird choice on the part of the filmmakers. It's asking us to care about a brand-new character without giving us much reason to do so, other than "she's a woman and she's available to the protagonist". This is a big ask in Part 2 of a franchise which, as we witnessed with the collapse of Part 3, relies entirely on the chemistry between the two already-established lead actors. The most boring parts of BRIDE are when Francesca's investigating the Sefton Ward, because neither of the dudes we're here to see are onscreen for a long time, and…
And, well, we'll have to have a big talk about Inherent Value and misogyny/queerphobia/transphobia in Re-Animator, but that'll be for Part 2.
So what's the deal with Francesca? Why is she even here? Is she just there to drive a wedge between Herbert and Dan?
Well, yes. But in addition to being an object kicked between the two leads as needed, she is also an object for the writers' thematic purposes. This purpose is revealed in what Dan says in the infamous scene where they have sex: "So soft... so warm..."
It's the warmth Dan craves, because that is associated with Life.
Francesca is Life. She's associated with food, the real substance of Life--which Herbert rejects. The script even specifies that Dan and Herbert's kitchen should look like it was never used... as though there's no life in it. Fran brings Life to it by preparing food in it. She's also associated with Angel, the dog, who generally senses--not Evil, per se, but the Dead. Angel reacts positively to Fran and to Dan. And Angel tries to attack every reanimate she meets--as well as Herbert.
Dan values and believes in Life. He is seduced by Herbert's quest because he wants to believe that reanimated beings are Alive. But let's be real, he doesn't believe reanimates are Alive. He agrees with Dr. Hill's assertion that reagent "gives the dead the appearance of life". He asserts that Halsey is dead post-reanimation, because, obviously, he doesn't see Halsey as Alive. Later, he perceives the Bride as being a collection of dead human body parts until She's reanimated. At that point, all the stress seems to convince him that she is Alive... until Herbert emphasizes that the Bride is his creation, a being glued together with reagent.
Who, therefore, cannot have Life.
Dan rejects the Bride because he wants Life, someone who is Alive. She's not. This is also why part of his rejection involves him declaring that Meg is dead. The thing that kept Dan on board with the Bride Project was imagining that he was bringing Meg back to Life. Stating that Meg is dead is acknowledging that reagent cannot create Life, so far as Dan's concerned.
Meg's heart is, to me, another symbol. Dan wants it to represent Life, but as the final shot emphasizes, it represents Death. It only had the appearance of Life so long as Dan believed in its validity as a source of Life. Notice that he says "You're not Meg!" in response to the Bride offering him Meg's heart, because it isn't the heart he wanted, only what it stood for. Once he stops clapping his hands and believing, the heart stops beating... and is left in the embalming room, with all the other Dead Things.
They cut several lines where Dan repeatedly referred to Gloria as "Meg". This gives Dan's desires specificity. Dan spends all of BRIDE wanting Meg to Live. That is his central trauma, the source of all his fuckery: he misses Meg and he wants her back. He almost fools himself into thinking she's alive again, then accepts that she's not.
The next best person to escape with, then, would be someone who is Alive.
This is what Francesca gives him.
In the script, Dan resuscitates Francesca successfully once they escape the tomb. He joyfully declares "You're alive!". THAT is what Dan wanted. Life. Someone soft and warm.
To Herbert, though, reanimated life IS Life. He perceives no magical or spiritual dimension to Life the way Dan's implied to (and the narrator of the original stories did). His inability to convince Dan to see things his way is a big part of his downfall in BRIDE, but it also points to a really brutal tragedy underlying the whole plot:
If we take the Integral Cut as canon, and it likely is, then Herbert isn't Alive by Dan's standards, and hasn't been this entire time.
He shoots up reagent. This is in stark contrast, by the way, with the original stories, where Lovecraft emphasized that reagent did nothing whatsoever to living tissue. This is--symbolically, again, I'm not making diagetic claims here--a not-so-subtle declaration that Herbert is Dead. Corpses and body parts get the reagent because they are not a part of Life. And since Herbert gets the reagent, well...
Anything that comes from Herbert cannot be Life. It can only be "the appearance of life". This is why the food Herbert makes looks fake and wrong and is described as "awkwardly made" in the script, unlike Francesca's perfect sauce... Food is Life. Herbert is Dead.
The script of BRIDE suggests that Herbert repeating Dan's "So soft, so warm" line is manipulation, but it sure doesn't come across that way--it comes across as abject begging for Dan to see some kind of value in the Bride Project, and thereby, in him. When the Bride tries to win Dan back over by repeating "You made me!", Herbert, sounding furious, snaps "I made you!". He thematically links himself with Her because she's the big project that will make Dan love only him the Work. He reinforces the theme that he is Dead, or Death.
The way that Herbert gigafucks himself is when he senses that Dan's about to reject the Bride (Death) in favor of Francesca (Life), and Herbert... accidentally confirms this dichotomy with "Forget it, Dan, she's just dead tissue!" That is exactly what Dan didn't want. Herbert objectifies the Bride--but not into just any object. She is turned into a disposable object, a thing they can throw away in a medical biohazard bin. Because she's Dead.
He's trying one last Hail Mary to win Dan back, but their fundamental disagreement on the very nature of Life and Death means Herbert can't even understand how to do it.
Relatedly, Herbert is heavily associated with Dead Places. He is introduced to Dan in the sonofabitchin' morgue and spends almost half his scenes in same. His personal room in Dan's house is Spartan, because Living people need luxury and personal items, and Herbert's... not. He spends most of the rest of his time in the basement--underground, like a grave, get it, hahaha. In BRIDE, we never see his bedroom. Instead, he spends most of his time in the basement/embalming room/secret laboratory which is also underground, and which is interconnected with a tomb in the graveyard. A tomb Herbert willingly tunnels into and accesses regularly, which is totally normal Living behavior and not that of a ghoul...
... and, in the end, he is dragged off into that tomb, and he does not escape. Because he belongs there.
He is Dead (which is why, by applying queer theory, we all think that he's queer and/or trans, about which more in Part 2). Herbert's hard and cold, not soft and warm. He has only the appearance of Life. Everything he creates is Dead.
In the script, when Francesca and Dan meet in Peru, they talk about the cruelty of war, and she says the following: "When the state makes people's lives unnatural, it creates monsters." This is called back when she finds out that Herbert's built Hand Dog out of Angel. She calls Dan a "freak", and accuses him of acting like he's saving people when he's "creating monsters". Because he is behaving like Herbert, he's a freak. A monster. Someone who thinks he's creating Life when he's actually reveling in Death.
Hell, the script describes the reanimate rejects that kill Herbert as "the fruit of his scientific womb", deliberately mocking Herbert's notions that he's creating Life, and also causing me physical pain as a trans dude.
The more I've gone over this theme (in the service of my long-ass fix-it fic), the more it feels like Dan and Herbert were always doomed by the original narrative thanks to this specific, fundamental difference between them. The only way they'd be able to get along long-term again after BRIDE is if one of them changed fundamentally as a person, and not only would neither of them do that, it'd make their dynamic less interesting and engaging to watch. (I mean, shit, I've had to introduce Lovecraftian Great Old Ones to help those two buttheads understand they have a common enemy.)
But yeah. Sorry to say it. Herbert's Dead. That's what made it so easy for Dan to abandon him. Herbert could cut out his own heart and replace it with Meg's. It would not have made any difference. There is nothing, nothing at all, he could have done, not once Dan realized that reagent cannot give Real Life--that it can't bring Meg back to him.
It was always going to end this way. With Herbert lost among the Dead. With Dan fleeing for Life and normalcy.
But that's what fandom's for, fixing all of that... right?
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years ago
Is there a part 2 to Yandere Male makima reader x hsr? I absolutely love this story??!
I'd like to imagine reader playing along with caelus's antics of digging through trash cans and possibly helping him find other trash cans to dive lol
Dan heng and reader having mutual thoughts because there are two troublemakers of the astral express.. (yk who)
I don’t usually write these things (asks for updates) but since you caught me at a nice time…
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These are moreso antics and headcannons rather than a proper sequel to the previous one so…
warnings: major canon divergences, soft yandere themes.
・❥・ You and Pompom mostly have the same duties mainly keeping the express clean, checking its stability, tending to visitors, etc.
・❥・ However you take more of a authoritative position with your duties.
・❥・ Though you created Pompom, they have no idea you are an Aeon. You kept it that way so that Pompom wouldn’t be too compelled to follow you when you diverge paths with the Nameless.
・❥・ You were the one that redressed March and taught her sewing when she arrived frozen one day. As such, she can be a tad too attached with you. Often flirting with you in front of the other crew members. (A fact that most of them hate)
・❥・ You know the photo wall she has in her room? Well in that gallery of hers she has a secret folder of just you. You doing your daily maintenance, you repairing Pompom’s stitches, you just b r e a t h i n g. Yeah.
・❥・ Dan Heng and you often spend hours together in the archive. You had the penchant of checking, and rechecking the organization of things. Your long periods of time together led to him feeling the most safe around you. You already knew of his secrets, but having him divulge it nonetheless still felt like being let into a state secret.
・❥・ Himeko has a suspicion you two aren’t related. In fact you have a feeling she already uncovered what you are. She is however, far too in love with trail blazing and being your sister that she doesn’t do anything to risk the status quo.
・❥・ Welt has the biggest love-hate relationship with you. You haven’t done anything bad per se. In addition to that, you’re the reason Himeko got to explore the stars, but memories of the past still haunt him. Each day he sees you handling the youngins edges him closer and closer to finally letting of go of his resentment.
・❥・ When Caelus isn’t dying inside by being close to you, he likes to be smug by showing how much “care” you put into him. Like the youngest child smirking at the older children as they get the most love and attention. Sometimes he gets himself injured on purpose to get your eyes on him and him alone.
・❥・ Unfortunately due to your presence destabilizing the Stellaron, you don’t get many chances to pamper the boy.
・❥・ Though you did give him a giant wearable trash-can, complete with breathability and protection against the elements.
・❥・ You also don’t go out much and prefer to watch over expeditions. You also make sure never to use your full power as to not alert other aeons aside from IX of your endeavors.
・❥・ Elio and Kafka vehemently worship you. The latter’s domination comes from your blessing.
・❥・ Though they aren’t aware that you took the shape of a human male since you are able to erase yourself from Elio’s scripts.
・❥・ Which leads to Kafka flirting with this handsome man not knowing he’s actually her god.
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raisongardee · 29 days ago
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"Passée inaperçue pendant la levée de boucliers anti-RN des dernières élections législatives, la contribution d’Ariane Mnouchkine mérite d’être lue. Personnalité tutélaire du théâtre subventionné, celle qui fut, pendant des lustres, de toutes les pétitions et de tous les collectifs pour les "sans-papiers" et contre le Front national, essentiellement, en raison de ses origines juives ashkénazes ("je m’appelle Mnouchkine, pas Dupont", Ras L’Front, septembre 1996) fait son mea culpa dans une tribune publiée sur le site de Libération : "Macron est bien trop petit pour porter, à lui seul, la totalité du désastre. Je nous pense, en partie, responsables, nous, gens de gauche, nous, gens de culture. On a lâché le peuple, on n’a pas voulu écouter les peurs, les angoisses. Quand les gens disaient ce qu’ils voyaient, on leur disait qu’ils se trompaient, qu’ils ne voyaient pas ce qu’ils voyaient. Ce n’était qu’un sentiment trompeur, leur disait-on. Puis, comme ils insistaient, on leur a dit qu’ils étaient des imbéciles, puis, comme ils insistaient de plus belle, on les a traités de salauds. On a insulté un gros tiers de la France par manque d’imagination. L’imagination, c’est ce qui permet de se mettre à la place de l’Autre. Sans imagination, pas de compassion. Il n'y avait autrefois aucun professeur qui votait FN. Comment se fait-il qu’il y en ait aujourd’hui ? Et tant d’autres fonctionnaires, si dévoués pourtant à la chose publique, qui votent RN, chaque fois davantage ? Aujourd’hui, je ne suis pas certaine qu’une prise de parole collective des artistes soit utile ou productive. Une partie de nos concitoyens en ont marre de nous : marre de notre impuissance, de nos peurs, de notre narcissisme, de notre sectarisme, de nos dénis.""
Faits & Documents n° 534, octobre 2024.
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itoshikinozomu · 1 year ago
Ça se passerais pas comme ça si à m'avais pas demandé d'y montrer une autre perspective. Comme, demande pas des choses comme ça maman? C'est juste weird sur un moyen temps.
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orageusealizarine · 29 days ago
Je croyais que la vie était faite de fantasmes mais le réel n'est qu'une imagination continuée. Je le savais : rien (jamais plus) ne serait vrai. Alors dans le temps (court) qui nous était donné (avant la tempête d'une folie complète qui déchaîne et déchaîne), il fallait jouir. Unir. Ou, plutôt je voulais jouir - et faire jouir. Tendre mon corps comme une main - me rappeler d'anciens miracles…
Plus haut que tous les abîmes - la joie resplendirait.
Nus parce que plus rien ne comptait. Que la volupté illimitée - où nous soubrerions sans appel. Nul retour. Et, nos yeux émus… se rencontrèrent. Sans plus connaître d'obstacle à notre entente. Sans plus de...
Non, je ne me déparie pas - mais ma joie excessive versait des larmes.
Car sur ton corps ombré, je m'ouvre à tous les vœux. Je m'ouvre et je célèbre - je suis... mais mes mots, en vain, chercheraient l'issue. Je m'avance - jusqu'au bout de la ligne j'ouvre les bras : je m'aboutis dans les tiens.
(La renaissance ne viendra qu'après la foudre). Le triomphe.
Qui dira ce qu'excèdent mes propres forces ? Deux beautés féroces n'ont pas plus de solution - ni ma bouche, à ta bouche. Proférant les plus ardentes caresses que des lèvres sauraient ordonner sur une page... mais me suis-tu - m'enserres-tu ?
Chemins sombres où s'élève un chant d'amour, nos ventres... Rauque unisson. Et l'odeur acide ou sucrée des herbes fauchées tout autour. Tu m'entraînes - ou je t'avale, je ne sais. Mais les sens se font plus chair - et je sens que nous serions tout, qu'à terme, nous saurions tout.
Qu'une fêlure dans l'union que la plus complète entente étanche - et le bonheur SOU-VE-RAIN.
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les-larmes-d-eros · 2 months ago
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Série Trouble, cyanotypes par Louise A Depaume
Elle nous plonge dans notre inconscient le plus profond et son étreinte est source d’angoisses, de stress et d’inquiétudes. Pourtant on s’y abandonne, épris d’une nostalgie enfantine, souvenir d’une symbiose maternelle. Elle est l’essence de la vie, nourriture universelle. Tantôt elle nous lave de toute culpabilité tantôt elle nous emprisonne jusqu’à perdre le contrôle. On s’y baigne insouciant retenant notre souffle l’esprit troublé par le flot des réalités. A sa surface, une petite mort, un instant suspendu où l’être perd toute identité, faisant disparaitre quelques parties de nous-même. On la rêve limpide, elle nous montre le véritable visage de nos émotions. Passionnée de techniques photographiques anciennes, c’est au travers de la technique du cyanotype que j’ai donné vie à mes portraits. L’eau est ainsi retranscrite d’un bleu Prusse et se mêle aux corps de mes modèles les rendant parfois abstraits, à la limite de la réalité. Notre imagination fait écho à nos émotions, et telle une poésie chacun y voit et interprète sa propre histoire.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months ago
Sabemos que Wukong es un padre vergonzoso que ama mucho a sus hijos y esta demaciado orgulloso de sus muchachos y en lo que han logrado.
Wukong, very proud: "Ah! My sun, moon, and stars! My heavens! My Wuxings!" All the cubs are very embarassed
Por algo suele llamar a sus 5 Cachorros Wuxings porque sus niños son su mundo.
Por lo que cuando ellos conocen a MKgang en la temporada 1 suelen hablar de Sun Wukong y ''Papá'' de forma separada, principalmente para ver si alguno de ellos se dan cuenta de que son los hijos del rey (Principalmente para ser mierdas con ellos... despues de todo son los hijos del rey mono)
Yuebei: Bába se la pasa avergonzandonos todo el tiempo... *Desvia la mirada* Jidu: El rey le gusta ineractuar con los cachorros
Ahora los tres adultos sospecharian un poco de esto ellos no saben que buscar exactamente pero sienten algo sospechoso de ellos, la primera pista es que ellos nunca se refieren a Sun Wukong como ''Abuelo Sun'' que es como todos los monos yao suelen llamarlo.
Otra principal es la actitud principesca de Paramita, algo poco comun viniendo de una poblacion rural afueras me Megapolis (Es solo la personalidad de Paramita...)
Ahora Tang es un compelo Purista de la obra original el nunca creeria de la exitencia de los hijos del rey mono pensaria que son simples OCs.
Imagino que Jidu, Luohou o Luzhen preguntarian de casualidad por estas secuelas al erudito.
Tang: estas secuelas tienen tanta inconcruencias!! Si siquiera estan escritas por el autor! desde cuando Wukong tuvo hijos??! MK y los demas monos: Siiii cuando...??
Solo para que se caiga de cara cuando se revele la verdad... Los principes no dejaran olvidar JAMAS.
Hay algo que acordar es que los registos no suelen ser hechos por la misma persona y no suelen ser fieles a la realidad, Lo unico sierto de los archivos sobre los hijos del rey mono en las secuelas es que es ellos realmente son los hijos del rey mono! solo que no exite madre como tal (No hablemos del rumor de que PIF y Wukong tubieron algo porfavor....)
translated via google;
"We know that Wukong is a shameless father who loves his children very much and is very proud of his boys and what they have accomplished.
Wukong, very proud: "Ah! My sun, moon, and stars! My heavens! My Wuxings!" All the cubs are very embarrassed
There's a reason he usually calls his 5 Cubs Wuxings because his children are his world.
So when they meet MKgang in season 1 they usually talk about Sun Wukong and ''Dad'' separately, mainly to see if any of them realize that they are the king's sons (Mainly to be shitty with them… after all they are the monkey king's sons)
Yuebei: Baba is always embarrassing us… Looks away Jidu: ​​The king likes to interact with the puppies
Now the three adults would be a little suspicious of this, they don't know what to look for exactly but they feel something suspicious about them, the first clue is that they never refer to Sun Wukong as ''Grandpa Sun'' which is how all the yao monkeys usually call him.
Another main one is Paramita's princely attitude, something unusual coming from a rural town outside of Megapolis (It's just Paramita's personality…)
Now Tang is a complete purist of the original work, he would never believe the existence of the monkey king's children, he would think that they are simple OCs.
I imagine that Jidu, Luohou or Luzhen would ask the scholar about these sequels by chance.
Tang: These sequels have so many inconsistencies!! They're not even written by the author! Since when did Wukong have children??! MK and the other monkeys: Yesssss when…??
Only to fall flat on his face when the truth is revealed… The princes will never let us forget.
One thing to remember is that records are not usually made by the same person and are not usually true to reality. The only thing that is certain about the files on the Monkey King's children in the sequels is that they really are the Monkey King's children! It's just that there is no mother as such (Let's not talk about the rumor that PIF and Wukong had something please…)"
Hehehe!!! More talk about the "Wuxing Au"!
Wukong is very proud of his cubs, and also very embarrassing!! He calls them every pet name under the sun - particularly "Wuxing" since he sees his five cubs as important as the five core elements of the universe.
MK already knows who the five monkeys' "baba" is, but he doesn't want to reveal their secret identities to the rest of the gang without their permission.
The siblings are convinced that it would be the twins or Luzhen who "break character" first - only for it to be cool-headed Paramita, furiously defending his baba's honour when Pigsy bad-mouths him during S2.
Though in the meantime they love tormenting Mr Tang with questions about the non-canonical sequel books to Jttw. >:3
Paramita is a bit too quick to agree with Mr Tang that the rumoured affair between Sun Wukong and Princess Iron Fan was; "Completely impossible." - but he covers up his anger by saying that he really doesn't like the ship (like he's speaking about a fanfiction). The eldest cub knows how his Baba made him on his own from clay. XD
And although the sequels weren't entirely accurate - different writers from different eras and locations putting together detail they'd heard - They do get the names of Wukong's five children correct!
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